Jonathan Lynch

UI Designer

Jonathan Lynch is Lead UI (User Interface) Designer for Dublin-based gaming company DIGIT Game Studios.


Full episode

UI Designer Jonathan Lynch talks to us about his journey in the games industry, his process in designing MMO games and some interesting insights into his creative process.

We hope you enjoy!

Some teacher reflection questions


00:00 - 06:50 | A love of play

Q. As you listened, did any point surprise you and did any point resonate with you?

Q. Jonathan outlines that good UI design is when you don’t notice it. Take a moment to open an application on your phone. Can you identify some good design that you might not have noticed before?

06:50 - 18:06 | Developing ideas

Q. Jonathan shares his experience in working as part of a multidisciplinary team to develop ideas. How do you develop ideas as part of a team?

Q. The iterative design process is outlined by Jonathan in developing gaming content. What are the main points you took from his discussion on this? 

Q. The importance of feedback for the creative process is highlighted throughout this conversation. Do you think this is important? If so, why?

Q. “Perfect is the enemy good” what is the first thought that comes to mind when you hear this statement.


18:06 - 27:42 | Looking to the future

Q. Looking around you—Where do you see the influence of ‘colour theory’?

Q. Jonathan outlines that games are a form of art, from listening to this conversation would you agree?

Q. What are the three best games (computer /board) you have played and why?


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