Arts in Action
“It’s the oldest craft in woodwork. It’s remarkable that I might get a piece of Oak that could be maybe 900 years old, and when I put that up on the lathe and turn it, I’m the first person in 900 years that has seen the middle of that piece of wood”

Key Skill focus
Being Creative
Key Ideas explored
From concept to realisation - the process of making.
Developing craft skills over time
Passing on craft skills
Teachers’ guide
This guide includes questions and activities that you might adapt to engage students as they watch this short film.
About the Woodturner
Willie owns and runs his own business, William Creighton Carpentry and Woodturning, situated in Ballyhaunis, Co. Mayo. Willie was one of the founders of Craobh Eo Woodturners, which is a chapter of the Irish Woodturner's Guild. The Group was set up in 2004 and it’s main aim is to promote woodturning by providing a platform for new and experienced woodturners to enjoy their passion. In addition to running a business Willie also gives night classes in Woodturning.

Arts in Action