Arts in Action
“Almost every piece that we make here, it requires at least two glassmakers to make it. So it is very much a collaboration. One person is generally leading the team, making the piece and the other person would be assisting. I’ve heard many people who’ve watched us make glass say it’s like watching people dance, because it’s all about getting the timing right between the two of us.”

Key Skill focus
Being Creative
Working with Others
Key Ideas explored
Working as part of a team
From concept to realisation - the process of making.
Developing craft skills over time
Being adaptable
Teachers’ guide
This guide includes questions and activities that you might adapt to engage students as they watch this short film.
About the Glassblower
Rory Leadbetter has been a glass maker at Jerpoint Glass for over a decade. The Leadbetter Family have been making handmade glass from their studio in county Kilkenny for over forty years.

Arts in Action